vendredi 30 septembre 2011
mardi 27 septembre 2011
Le côté obscur du coeur
I don't know why I had to post this also. I guess I would just love to meet a man who would speak to me like that.
Do you know how to fly ?
Life is made to be lived
To be to be and to be.
I am.
Today I felt good. I felt good with my life, i felt good in my skin. I felt in peace. Life doesn't have to be perfect, life is not about perfection, life is about living, feeling grateful and enjoying.
Today was a good day !
lundi 26 septembre 2011
Artificial paradise
To have, to have or to have.
The question is: should a person sacrifice all of his self-respect in order to keep his social and material status just because he feels that life is not worth it without it? Should he accepts everything with the excuse that anyway it wouldn't be different because everybody does the same ? Is it really better to be alone than to be with anyone ?
dimanche 25 septembre 2011
There is some days where I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, like Atlas. J'ai une copine qui dit: Il n'a pas l'usure du monde. Certaines personnes n'ont jamais senti le poids du monde sur leurs épaules. Pourquoi suis-je née avec ce spleen...
samedi 24 septembre 2011
Qui suis-je ? Parfois j'aimerais être plus normal, plus simple, moins différente mais je n'y arrive pas. Je suis une excentrique. Je vis ma vie comme je l'entends à ma façon. Je vis par la grâce de D-eu. J'ai besoin de donner du sens à ma vie, voir une histoire plus grande que la mienne. J'aime la longue durée. J'aime l'ensemble, le tout, la globalité.
Story line
So the idea is to not only that about me but talk about what I feel, what I see, what I hear and most of all what touches me...
Miami Paradise
Isaac Augiak Artiste inuit

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