mardi 3 avril 2012

Childless mother

This is my first week without my girls. They will be staying with their dad for the week of his rotation, after having them almost none stop for 2 years. It gives me more time but does a mother is suppose to have time for herself ? I feel weird and a bit lost. I guess once I get in hold with the rythme of being alone, I will go to the gym and movies and stuff. Already I'm eating with friends. They were always there, around me, on calls 24 hours a day 7 days a week. With no help whatsoever. No in-laws, no mother, no father or brothers no one. Actually, I've been raising them alone for almost 12 years. I absolutely adore being a mother. I don't care to have no time for myself. I love the absolute dedication that it demands. I think that more than the fact of having time or resting, they needed to be with their dad and their dad with them. I have to let go and let them enjoy. It's hard, i don't like it but i will have to get use to it. After all it is part of my decision.

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