mardi 3 janvier 2012

Looking back

After the destruction of Sodome, G-d told Lot, his two daughters and his wife not to look back, if they would look back they would die. Lot didn't look back neither did the daughters but his wife couldn't resist to take a last glance at her old life burning in flames. Because she did she was turned into a statue of salt. Some say that we can still see her statue to this day.
It is difficult not to look back but I think there is a reason for certain things to be in the past. The past is the past there is nothing we can do about it. What matters is the present which hold our future. By looking in the past we become trapped and paralyzed making it impossible to move forward. The best thing is not to look back. The past is in the past, it is already gone, it doesn't exist anymore. What exists is the present, the now, now is the time to exist, now is the time to move upward.

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